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Canyons, Valleys

Do you remember the early films with Clint Eastwood, westerns with John Wayne or the famous Mackenna's Gold? Would you like to see the places where the movies about cowboys, Indians or road movies and adventure blockbusters were shot?

If yes, then you are here!

The so-called "Ring of the Canyons" covering Nevada, Arizona and Utah is a chain of unique and picturesque national parks, valleys and canyons, which attract millions of tourists from around the world.

For the lovers of natural wonders of the world, company Wild West Tours offers one-day trips and multi-day expeditions of different intensity. One of the indisputable advantages is that all the routes are accompanied by Russian-speaking guides.

Let's get it started...

Grand Canyon

It's not just a canyon. It's the mother of all CANYONS! One has to see it to comprehend its grandeur and scope.

Imagine a kind of a giant ravine with many tributaries, following the riverbed of the Colorado River that is 277 miles long, up to 18 miles wide and a mile deep!


I know, is not easy. Then pack your suitcase, get the best camera you can find, some good walking shoes, a sunscreen and ... let's go!

The first "civilized" people who discovered this place were so fascinated by the beauty of the Canyon and amazed by its size. Since 1893 Grand Canyon is under Federal Protection, and in 1919 it was assigned a National Park status.

When you come up to the edge of the canyon, you'll understand why more than five million tourists visit the Grand Canyon each year. The name already speaks for itself.

Being one of the Natural Wonders of the World, the Grand Canyon presents a unique opportunity to see the history of the Earth from almost 2 billion years ago. The canyon, ripped up by Colorado River like an open book, reveals layers of ancient sediments of sandstone and granite, tells the story of the formation stages of our planet back for the centuries. Five of the seven climate zones are represented in the park, - a unique phenomenon of the Nature.

It is hard to imagine, but this is all work done by Colorado River, tricky and unpredictable, carrying its waters from the Rocky Mountains to the Gulf of California.

Did you know that for more than three million years, the Grand Canyon is being in its current state, and its formation has taken more than 60 million years!

It is impossible to grasp it at a glance, except maybe from the space.

Despite its enormous size, there are just a few accessible tourists' places, allowing people to get to the Canyon itself.

The most popular and safe places are North Rim, South Rim and West Rim.

North and South rims are part of the National Park owned by the State.

The western part of the Grand Canyon is located on tribal lands of the Hualapai Indian Reservation. Hualapai People are native to the region and they own a million acres of the land along the Canyon.

Traveling to the reservation territory is controlled by the tribe and is becoming more popular every year. This is mainly due to its proximity to Las Vegas (2.5 hours each way) and opening of a peculiar engineering miracle attraction - Glass Bridge (Sky Walk). The bridge has a horseshoe shape and made of steel frame with glass floor and sides, hanging over the edge of the Grand Canyon.


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Quote Являясь специалистом в геологии, у меня была давняя мечта увидеть Гранд Каньон. 3-х дневная экспедиция по каньонам представляла ещё и профессиональный интерес. Спасибо Раису, нашему гиду, который составил очень удобный маршрут и моя мечта исполнилась! Надеюсь, мои научные теории не сильно утомили Вас. В следующий раз мы приедем всей кафедрой...

Элеонора А.
Санкт-Петербург, Россия

Quote Наши друзья в Лас Вегасе, к которым мы приехали в гости, организовали нам экскурсию на Гранд Каньон в сопровождении персонального гида от Wild West Tours. Было очень приятно пообщаться с кем-то на родном русском языке и увидеть это чудо света! Поразил не только каньон, но и быт индейцев, которых мы видели впервые в жизни!

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